An Infinity Train AU by Addae

About the Webmaster!

Early 20s | ghanaian-american | he/him

Call me Addae! Not only am I the webmaster of this site, I created this AU! This website used to be part of my personal neocities under my projects, but I thought it would save room to make Train Chasers its own individual site because I have a TON of ideas for my AU. I'm an artist and as of 2023, I can call myself somewhat of a web dev too. I'm currently in college studying psychology!

I've known about Infinity Train since the first season aired, but I got a lot more invested in it in 2021... after it was cancelled.

I'm always willing to answer questions and talk to people about my AU, so if you have any questions, my tumblr ask box or my NGL is your best bet to reach me!

I'm gonna be honest I don't really feel like re-linking every single one of my socials you'll just have to check my main site here