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Entry 1

It has been about 1 month since I've been on this strange train. The number on my hand is starting to spill past my wrists. I still haven't figured out what it means.

The little robot, he calls himself One. He's been showing me around ever since I found him in the engine last week. He refuses to tell me much about who he is and where he came from.

We've entered a car that looks like a classroom. This is where I've gotten the notebook from. The "students" are little backpacks that walk on two legs. It kind of looks like a classroom I used to sit in for years. I never liked the classroom much. I'm not even sure what they're learning here anyways.

We left soon after. The teacher, a large briefcase on legs, tried to take the notebook away from me. I snatched it and ran off with One in tow. One tells me these cars have purposes. Can't imagine what the purpose of that car was.

Entry 2

Straight Up Italy Car

Pros: Helping Nancy with her restaurant got the door opened, got to eat delicious food and ride on a moped through the city together.

Cons: No change to our numbers, old lady tried to rob a fountain and made a mess in Nancy's kitchen.


- Good food, great environment

- Morally mixed denizens

- I wonder if Italy is actually like this off the train! I bet Lake would've loved coming here!

Entry 3

So much has happened since I've gotten my hands on this notebook. After Tulip and I got out of that Italy car, we went into this BEAUTIFUL ball room. All the people there were... octopi in fancy dresses? It was weird but strangely cute! I love marine life! :D But before we could step any further, this chandelier guy stopped us and said we weren't presentable yet! This tracksuit isn't the most fashionable but I wouldn't call it plain. :(

He whisked us away into a room with steps all over the floor and locked us there. :0 We tried to get him to come back but he was probably long gone. I thought we were gonna be trapped in there forever. So, we decided we were going to learn the dance together. At least until someone comes to get us or we find a way out. For someone who claims not to be much of a dancer, Tulip seemed to be picking up the steps really well. I still think she's secretly been learning somewhere and won't tell me where...

Eventually, that chandelier guy came back and brought us out of the room and back into the ballroom. We were wearing new clothes and our hair was tied up. Tulip looked so sophisticated and pretty.

I have to admit, it was a little funny seeing us be referred to as a couple as we made our entrance onto the dance floor. But there was no time to dwell on that as the dance was starting. We were AMAZING! Everyone cheered for us and the door opened so we could move onto the next car.

But then those awful roach creatures came out and started attacking everyone in the ballroom! D: Everyone was screaming and running around trying not to get our souls sucked out. When it manages to completely suck out a person's soul it starts to wither away into dust. Then the creature just EXPLODES. One of them pounched on me and I was so sure I was gonna die until this short haired girl came in and rescued us. She started turning all the roach dogs into harmless butterflies.

She told us her name was Blake and those things that kept trying to kill us were called ghoms. She works with someone named Amelia, who I'm guessing is the conductor of this train. If we find her, maybe she can help us find our friends and get out of here. Blake seems nice, so we're sticking with her for now.

I hope Jesse and Lake are ok.